5 Ways to Generate More Traffic to Your Trade Show Booth


Whether you attend one annual trade show, or a variety of trade shows, the name of the game is generating traffic.  The more people you can attract to your trade show booth, the more likely you’ll be to generate leads and sales.  No matter your industry, you want people coming to your trade show booth and buzzing about your goods and services.  Try the following ideas to get that traffic flowing your way:


Ever wonder why you get app notifications or pay per click advertising suggestions when you’re in close proximity to certain places? This is geo-targeting.  Geo-targeting is a marketing tool where you can specify a location such as the convention hall and show your messaging to the people who are at that location or who have recently been at that location.  This can be very effective towards generating more traffic to your trade show booth.  Consider what messaging will be most effective and work with your marketing or advertising team to drive more traffic to your trade show booth.


Get Social

If you’re like us, you’ll notice that a lot of your customers, competitors, and brand enthusiasts follow you on social media.  Are you advertising your location in the exhibition hall?  Consider sharing socially, asking people to come visit your trade show booth.  You can start a social media campaign in advance of the show, sharing targeted content advertising your booth number.  At the trade show booth itself, you can also share pictures, videos, and insights while reminding your followers to come visit you at your trade show booth.

trade show exhibit marketing

Host a Contest in Your Trade Show Booth

Invest in one cool prize that people would want to win- this could be concert tickets, the newest technology, and more.  Advertise the contest in your trade show booth and in your marketing campaigns in advance of the show.  Let people know that they have to be present at your trade show booth to win and you’ll draw a crowd.  This is an effective tool for generating traffic, particularly if you offer something really creative or exciting.


Host a Happy Hour

Everyone loves trade shows.  Why? We could give you a list, but the answer is usually the free booze.  On day one of the trade show, host a happy hour in your trade show booth.  Make sure to invite your current clients, prospects, and leads to the happy hour.  In your marketing campaign, mention your happy hour.  On social media, promote your happy hour.  At the show, mention to people that you’ll be hosting a happy hour later in the day at your trade show booth.  This will be a fun way to generate more traffic and a less stressful way for these people to engage in conversation with you about your goods and services.

happy hour

Design a Really Cool Trade Show Booth

With a little creativity and some advanced planning, you can work with your exhibit design house partner to create something really bold that is sure to stand out on the trade show floor.  Consider your industry, your unique niche, and get those creative juices flowing.  People notice things that are really different and want to go check them out.  By designing something such as a themed exhibit or something futuristic or splashy, you can ensure that people will want to come see your trade show booth.











If you haven’t traditionally attracted a lot of attention at trade shows, try these tips to generate more traffic to your virtual front door.  Call Absolute Exhibits for help with your next trade show booth and we can create something stunning to attract the attention you deserve.

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