Eye-Poppers: Trade Show Tactics

Standing out in a bustling trade show exhibit hall can be challenging. With the commotion of sky-high booths, lights, sounds, and bold graphics, it’s essential to have your own eye-grabbers to attract attention. But what kind of eye-grabbers are right for you and your brand?

Most people visually scan exhibits that are 5-10 feet in front of them. They only stop and look closer if something catches their eye. These attention-capturing elements, or eye-grabbers, can include:

Back-lit graphics are fantastic eye-grabbers because they look cool and futuristic. The light draws people in, making them curious about the source or the message behind the glow. Light is a crucial component of great exhibit design as it easily captures attention.

Unexpected design elements also make excellent eye-grabbers. Think about the last time you saw something unique at a trade show, like a big red barn towering over the surrounding exhibits. Such unique designs stick in people’s minds for months, sometimes years, even if they don’t immediately recall the brand.

Items in motion naturally draw attention. Motion catches the eye because it stands out in a static environment. This can include video walls, water features, windmills, drones, or any creative moving elements that prompt people to take notice.

A spectacle can also be a powerful eye-grabber. Experiential events and brand activations attract people because everyone loves a good show. Consider hiring entertainers, professional showgirls, or creating dramatic events to quickly capture attention.

Using eye-grabbers can be straightforward if you follow these tips. Start attracting more people to your trade show exhibit today!

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