3 Ways to Optimize Your Trade Show Booth Graphics

trade show booth graphics

Whether you only exhibit once a year, or multiple times per year, there are many elements that go into superior trade show design.  Often, brands worry about big design items such as a bridge in their trade show booth or even specialty lighting.  However, just as important as these big showy items are your trade show booth graphics.  Your trade show graphics need to be compelling, to tell a story and entice people to visit your trade show booth.  Consider the following tips to optimize your graphics for your next show:

Start with the End User in Mind to Enhance Your Trade Show Booth Graphics

Where many exhibitors fail in their trade show booth graphics is that they fail to start with the end user in mind.  What are the essentials that they need to know about your brand?  Why should they care about your products or services?  Will they understand techno-speak or medical jargon?  By starting with the end user in mind, you can more effectively develop your messaging in your trade show booth graphics and reach more people.

end user trade show booth graphics

Your Trade Show Booth Graphics Should Communicate the Point Immediately

When people pass by your trade show display, they need to immediately gain a sense of who you are, what you offer, and why they need you from your trade show booth graphics.  Your trade show booth graphics should therefore support the messaging with visuals that connect to these ideas.  It should be creative, interesting, and impactful.  By focusing on the most important ideas, you are more likely to be able to reach your intended audience.

trade show booth graphics

Place Your Most Important Points at the Top

Whether you occupy a 10×10 trade show booth space or a larger exhibit space, you need to be mindful of visitors’ line of sight.  Their line of sight is where they will be looking when they pass by your booth.  That’s why exhibitors commonly put their branding and most important messaging at the top of their trade show booth graphics.  There’s no use in placing it near the bottom when staffers, counters, and even machinery may be obscuring the view.  How you lay out your trade show booth graphics should be mindful.  Seeing them in a rendering can be very different from how you view them on the trade show floor in person.

trade show display design

Your graphics don’t seem like a sexy trade show design topic, but they are incredibly important to how you present your brand on the trade show floor.  They are instrumental to your success as an exhibitor.  If you fail to reach visitors or to announce your presence in the right way, then you may need to reexamine your trade show booth graphics to see if there’s room for improvement.



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