Absolute Exhibits Delivers Hope and Happiness to Tijuana

Absolute Exhibits toy drive

The holidays are a season of giving.  A core value of Absolute Exhibits is a commitment to giving back and helping others- whether after a natural disaster or to help those who cannot help themselves.  This holiday season, Absolute Exhibits asked its customers, partners, employees, vendors, friends and community members to help the children living in abject poverty in a shanty town 30 minutes outside of Tijuana called Cartonlandia.  In the video below, we showed you the living conditions these children and their families endure on a daily basis. We partnered with GIFT Charitable Organization to deliver your donations and spread happiness to a community that lacks the basics we take for granted every day- sanitation, running water, and even food security.


Absolute Exhibits’ Network Delivers

We’re happy to report that our charitable drive was SO SUCCESSFUL that Absolute Exhibits had to contact Tijuana’s local Boys and Girls Club to offer 200 more children hope and happiness this holiday season.  In total, your generous donations helped over 500 impoverished children to have a very happy holiday season. Donations included toys, warm blankets, clothing, nail polish and grooming kits, and more to help the people living under extreme conditions on a daily basis.

Absolute Exhibits donations

It was a long day, but members of Absolute Exhibits and volunteers for GIFT left Orange County, California at 7:30am on Saturday, December 15th, to drive across the border to deliver toys, clothes, and smiles. We split the events up into 2- 1 hosted at the World Trade Center for the Boys and Girls Club and 1 in the slum of Cartonlandia with the children GIFT works so closely to educate and to assist with medical care.

Absolute Exhibits toy drive

toy drive

Absolute Exhibits toy drive

The children had no idea that there would be presents distributed.  In fact, they thought they were attending an event to learn more English words such as their numbers and colors.  Instead, they were surprised to learn that they would be receiving presents.  The adults who helped Absolute Exhibits and GIFT organize these events did a wonderful job of keeping the secret and surprising them when we arrived with presents. Word spread quickly throughout Cartonlandia and the event grew very quickly.  Luckily, we had extra gift bags ready. Each child received 5 toys, some clothing, and other donations according to their age group such as newborn diapers, hygiene kits, and more.

toy drive

toy drive

It Took a Village

In order to throw this event and make it come together so successfully, it really was a labor of love.  Employees had been collecting and donating items for weeks.  Members of the community threw charity fitness events to collect toys such as Fitness on Fire.  Local restaurants such as Bosscat Kitchen and Libations encouraged patrons to donate  to the children of Cartonlandia. Jakks Pacific brought by a truck full of 1000 toys that caused us to add even more children to the events.  Community members, employees and clients were very generous to help these children.

Jakks donations
Donations courtesy of Jakks Pacific

Absolute Exhibits donations

Bosscat Kitchen donations
Donations courtesy of Bosscat Kitchen and Libations
Fitness on Fire donations
Donations courtesy of Fitness on Fire

Members of the Absolute Exhibits team and volunteers for GIFT sat up late day after day tying ribbons around bundles of presents and putting them into bags to present.  The day before the event, employees and volunteers spent 8 hours assembling gift bags for the children.  The amount of people working to help others was inspiring.  It truly showed that communities of people who care can really make a difference in the world. Once again, our family at Absolute Exhibits could not have done it without everyone’s support and participation.  We thank everyone for their kindness and generosity to help these often forgotten children to have a wonderful holiday.

packing toys

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