Alternatives to Trade Shows to Market Your Brand


After the shelter in place orders end and the country gets back to the business of life, there will be many businesses seeking to market their goods and services again.  They may not want to wait for an annual trade show to do so.  Yet the in-person contact is very important and helps to significantly grow the brand.  The good news is there are alternatives to trade shows that brands can use to increase their brand awareness and supplement the industry exposure outside of trade shows.  Try the following:

Mobile Marketing Tours are Great Alternatives to Trade Shows 

When your annual trade show has been postponed or cancelled, you can still reach your desired industry audience.  Try a mobile marketing tour.  These tours are great alternatives to trade shows because they offer brands the ability to take their products on the road to their desired prospects.  They also allow brands to visit current and previous clients that no longer attend trade shows.  These alternatives to trade shows provide a great option for brands to increase sales outside of their annual trade show.  Imagine a branded mobile vehicle with some of your exhibiting pieces inside that allow you to take your products to your customers, prospects and leads.  You’ve created your own trade show.


Creating Your Own Events are Great Alternatives to Trade Shows

Ever thought about hosting a series of lectures in different cities?  You could advertise these to your current and former customers, leads and prospects and literally make a case for why they should use your goods and services.  This allows you to go where your potential clients are, give them a day out of the office, and enjoy some company while you talk about the future of your industry.


Virtual Event Alternatives to Trade Shows

Many of the large industry trade shows that have cancelled have instead put on virtual events.  While this allowed them to share knowledge, it didn’t allow individual exhibitors to share their goods and services.  Each exhibitor had something to say and something they wanted to share at the show.  So why not host your own virtual event to showcase your goods and services?  Virtual events are great alternatives to trade shows because you can control the audience, what you show and how your brand is presented in the event.  You may be able to catch some of the people who don’t normally attend your industry’s largest trade shows anymore.


These are only a few of the many alternatives to trade shows.  The good news is that Absolute Exhibits is able to facilitate each of these alternatives to trade shows should you desire to put a plan in motion outside of your normal annual industry event.  For more information, ask your Account Executive today.

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