Creative Ways to Enhance Your CES Trade Show Booth

Kreative DNA trade show booth

6 months may seem like a long time, but the Consumer Electronics Show (CES,) is right around the corner.  This show has grown incredibly large, spreading to 2 different exhibition hall locations with thousands of exhibitors showing their wares in their CES trade show booth.  With so many exhibits, how do you stand out with your CES trade show booth?  Try the following tips:

Integrate Large Props into Your CES Trade Show Booth

Props are a very popular draw to people passing by your CES trade show booth.  Who doesn’t love a flicker of motion out of the corner of their eye to discover it’s a motion activated larger than life camera prop spitting out a picture in your CES trade show booth?  Or, who wouldn’t love to see a drone the size of your car sitting in a CES trade show booth?  These are the kinds of draws that people are excited about and make them stop to investigate further.  Consider how to build a large prop into your trade show exhibit to attract the consumers to whom you’re seeking to market.

trade show booth

Introduce Digital Storytelling to Your CES Trade Show Booth 

Digital storytelling is an increasingly popular element of trade shows, immersing show attendees in your brand within your CES trade show booth.  This could take on the form of kiosks advertising a variety of different steps along the journey to discover your product capabilities, or it could be an entire room that introduces the brand to consumers. Emerging and disruptive technologies, including virtual reality and augmented reality lend that extra spark to your CES trade show booth that requires less fast talking by a product specialist.  With a better idea of your product in mind, consumers will be more informed and therefore, more willing to have a deeper discussion based on their experience.

CES trade show booth

Get Colorful with Your CES Trade Show Booth

We say it time and time again- some of the most popular exhibits at any trade show, including CES, are those that are wildly colorful.  A colorful CES trade show exhibit will stand out in the hall and distinguish itself from the bland exhibits around it.  It’s easy to ignore the sea of beige exhibits that many people opt for in their CES trade show booth, but much harder to ignore something bright and colorful, particularly if they’re colors that contrast with those around them.  Consider how you can inject a little bit of color into your trade show exhibit design to wake up consumers at the show.

Kreative DNA trade show booth

Get Creative with Your Lighting

You’d be surprised how great lighting, especially something show stopping and different, can really make your CES trade show booth.  Unique lighting fixtures, colorful lighting elements to interactive displays, specially lit signage, and even flooring can create a glow that interests consumers at the show.  There are thankfully many options available at a whole range of budgets that can create the perfect look to attract more people to your exhibit.

trade show booth

If you’re looking for something that will stand out from the crowd at CES this January, consider using these tips.  For more great ideas, consult your exhibit design house partner and see what they’d recommend at this massive show.  After all, you don’t want to have the exhibit nobody sees and nobody knew was there.

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