Enhance Your Trade Show Exhibit with a Video Wall

trade show exhibit video wall

As technology continues to progress, so too does the trade show industry.  There have been many trends we’ve spotted industry wide- reclaimed wood exhibits, arches in design, fabric enhancements, and now we’re seeing more and more video walls used in exhibits.  If you’re ready to upgrade your trade show exhibit, consider using a video wall. Consider the following ways you can use a video wall:

Use a Video Wall in Your Trade Show Exhibit for Product Demos

If your business is software, the best way to show it off is with a product demo.  What better way to draw people into your exhibit than with a video wall where they can touch the screen and experience your software for themselves?  This makes your trade show exhibit interesting and interactive, which will draw more people to your exhibit. You could also introduce gamification into your product demo, which is also a trend that has caught on among technology trade shows. Whether placed inside a private exhibit or outside to lure people towards your exhibit, a video wall can be the perfect vehicle for your product demos.

Paradox trade show exhibit

Introduce a Sense of Fun to Your Trade Show Exhibit

Many brands like to introduce a video wall to liven up the environment.  They often play looping videos of people having fun using their products.  People often stop and watch these videos for a while before entering the trade show exhibit to touch the products themselves and get a feel for how they might use it in their daily life.  In crowded trade show halls like CES or IFA, it can be easy for products to get lost among the crowds.  But a video wall can provide visual encouragement to lead people to your trade show exhibit and immerse themselves in your brand.

trade show exhibit video wall

Introduce a Faux Texture to Interest Passerby

Video walls can do more than just display product demos and videos of your product.  They can also display faux finishes such as waterfalls or verdant forests that make your trade show exhibit incredibly interesting to passerby.  Imagine how you could mimic landscapes, dropping people into exotic locations, or place them inside what looks like the inner workings of your product. These are all interesting ideas to use your video wall in your trade show exhibit because the possibilities are as large as your imagination. The visuals you could introduce can attract people from across the exhibition hall and you’ll have an easier time attracting prospects to your exhibit.

JCM-Global trade show booth design

If you’ve considered introducing a video wall to your trade show exhibit, consider the many ways in which you can do so.  How many video walls you’ll need, can afford, and can customize will be dependent upon the way in which you’ll use them.  Talk to your exhibit design house partner and find out the best way you can introduce a video wall to your next trade show exhibit.

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