Grab the Spotlight at CES 2020 with Your Trade Show Exhibit

ULE trade show exhibit CES

CES 2020 is around the corner.  It’s time to design your trade show exhibit so you don’t get lost in the crowd!  Do you know how to grab the spotlight and keep it on your trade show exhibit instead of losing foot traffic to your neighbor? Try the following techniques:

Use Vivid Colors in Your Trade Show Exhibit 

Of all the things that stand out on a trade show floor, a bright and colorful trade show exhibit stands out immensely.  This is because so many of the trade show booth rentals through show services are so bland and cookie cutter. Instead of just blending in with the crowd, think of exciting colors that you can incorporate into your trade show exhibit.  No matter your budget, bold colors are definitely affordable and an easy way to grab the spotlight.

Kreative DNA trade show booth

Feature Something Different in Your Trade Show Exhibit

People flock to unique items on the trade show floor such as a car or life-sized replica of a helicopter.  Imagine featuring something like this in your trade show booth.  Without even knowing which technology you’re presenting at CES 2020, they’ll beat a path to your trade show exhibit to see the shiny object.  At a technology show, this is a win for your company.  Whether it’s a large piece of technology, or even an inflatable prop, this can help keep the spotlight on your trade show exhibit compared to so many other brands.

trade show exhibit design

Engage in Experiential Marketing

If you haven’t heard of experiential marketing, it’s growing in popularity in the trade show industry and fast becoming a standard part of exhibiting.  There are many ways to introduce experiential marketing into your trade show exhibit such as simulation games that offer branding experience or even live events that tie into your brand.  Experiential marketing is all about immersing people in your brand, letting them experience it for themselves.  Think of how you can incorporate experiences into your trade show exhibit, enhancing attendees’ experience while visiting your trade show booth.

trade show exhibit painting

Maximize Your Space and Build Up!

If you’ve got a 20×20 trade show booth and your competitors all have larger exhibits, it’s time to build up.  You’ll be taller, more visible, and have more room for semi-private meetings to take place up top.  This can keep the floor space of your trade show exhibit free for people to engage with your technology, take demos, and to ooh and aah at what you’ve got on display.  When space is at a premium, you can tower above the rest with more square footage without the extra tens of thousands spent on a larger booth space.

Las Vegas trade show booth design

Select a Cool Theme for Your Trade Show Exhibit

People love a good theme in their trade show exhibit.  Whether this is showing off the inner workings of a smart home system, or designing something to mimic your brand story, a theme draws people from across the convention hall.  Themes are really quite easy to design once your exhibit design house has a good understanding of your brand.  Working closely with them, you can create something that stands out on the trade show floor and piques attendees’ interest.

ULE trade show exhibit CES

CES 2020 is right around the corner.  If you haven’t yet settled on your trade show exhibit design, it’s time to start thinking about it.  Now is the time to focus on what you can do to grab the spotlight at this large show and keep it on your brand.

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