Plan B and Your Trade Show Exhibit

email marketing your trade show exhibit appearance

During the covid-19 pandemic, many vendors were caught unprepared and unable to weather the storm.  Some closed their doors and laid off most of their staff.  Some simply filed for bankruptcy and walked away altogether.  If your vendor has disappeared, it’s time for you to find someone new to build your trade show exhibit.  Don’t wait until you’re certain a show will go on and there’s only a month left.  When trade shows return, it will be difficult to get onto busy exhibit houses’ design and manufacturing calendars.  If you don’t have a Plan B, use these guidelines to create one:

Find an Engaged Exhibit House

 Right now, many exhibit houses are quiet.  They’re not actively promoting their upcoming shows.  Nor are their teams actively soliciting new business because these teams are furloughed or laid off.  If this describes your current vendor, it’s time to find someone new to build your trade show exhibit.  The exhibit houses that were able to weather the storm are engaged.  They’re still publishing content on their website.  They’re still active in social media.  Their team is optimistic.  An engaged exhibit house is prepared for the future and can start the design process of your trade show exhibit now instead of a month before the show.

email marketing your trade show exhibit appearance 

Compare Apples to Apples to Fabricate Your Trade Show Exhibit

When finding a new vendor to fabricate your trade show exhibit, it’s important to compare apples to apples.  Not all exhibit houses offer the same kind of quotes.  Some quotes are only estimates and engage in post-show billing.  Others don’t include all of the turn key services such as installation and dismantling.  These vendors often put you in touch with someone else instead.  Determine what’s most important to your business.  If you ask 4 exhibit houses for a bid on your next trade show exhibit, they may vary wildly.  Often, it’s because of these variances in quotes.  Read the fine print.  The vendor with the higher quote may offer more services and guaranteed no post-show billing.  This can be helpful for a business seeking to know what their true trade show cost will look like up front.

 compare apples to apples for your trade show exhibit needs

Plan Ahead- Don’t Wait Until a Month Before Your Show

The most important part of determining your trade show exhibit plan B is to plan ahead.  Many businesses wait until the last month or two before their show to ask for a design and a quote.  This can be a costly mistake during this time of uncertainty.  As shows announce their plans to move forward, many exhibit houses will reach capacity.  If you wait too long, you may not find the best vendor to design and build your trade show exhibit.  You might be exposed to post-show billing, sourcing last minute vendors for installation and dismantling, and more.  By planning ahead, you can take comfort that your trade show exhibit will be handled by the best possible vendor.

trade show budget calendar

At Absolute Exhibits, we offer a guaranteed upfront price, the only price you will pay.  This is inclusive of all turn-key services including shipping, storage, and installation and dismantling.  For more information, ask one of our Account Executives how they can help you fabricate your next trade show exhibit.  Hit the LiveChat feature below and you can speak to one of our representatives now.

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