Reopening America with a Post-Pandemic Workplace Refresh

reception area workplace refresh

For several months, millions of Americans were asked to shelter in place.  We worked from home and looked forward to the days that life could return to normal.  While America is in the process of reopening, businesses are hoping to reintroduce their staff to work in the office.  This has posed a problem for many businesses.  Design issues, floorplans, and shared office spaces make social distancing difficult and therefore hinder business continuity.  These problems can be overcome with a workplace refresh.  There are solutions that do not require expensive contractors and permits. Read through some of the solutions we can offer you with a workplace refresh:

Social Distancing Build-Outs in Open Plan and Multi-Use Spaces

It was not too long ago that the open-plan office was touted as the best way to encourage collaboration.  However, offices with this kind of floor plan are unable to bring their employees back safely.  The communal tables don’t allow for social distancing.  Body to body contact is discouraged as we reopen. This is why these kinds of offices need a workplace refresh.  During a workplace refresh, temporary offices and cubicles can be constructed with partitions in place to help keep the germs out and the collaborative spirit in.  Floor decals and signage can be added to the workplace refresh to encourage participation and compliance.  New avenues can be mapped out and new areas used for business continuity.

workplace refresh

Multi-use spaces pose another problem for bringing employees back.  In some office environments, multiple businesses share the same floor space, sometimes only separated by a piece of machinery. A workplace refresh for multi-use offices can include coopting areas of a warehouse to construct temporary offices and cubicles.  It can also include new approaches to shared office spaces and conference spaces.  There are multiple approaches that can be taken in a workplace refresh after a consultation.

workplace refresh design

Workplace Refresh of the Reception Area

The first impression employees and visitors receive of a business is its entry or reception area.  This is a prime place to begin a workplace refresh.  Post-pandemic, many reception desks will need to have sneeze guards or plexiglass barriers.  Whether that’s because signatures are being exchanged, badges offered, or transactions occur, these will provide a safer barrier for these close encounters.  To support this workplace refresh, sanitizer stations, floor decals, and signage can be added to reinforce health and safety guidelines.  The clearest way to communicate expected behaviors and pathways through the office is with these kinds of information systems.

 reception area workplace refresh

Partitioned Cubicles that Encourage Socialization

Today’s offices typically feature cubicles of some sort.  Among the most common are the 1/3 height cubicle as an encouragement to socialize and collaborate.  However, this is problematic when businesses are seeking to reintroduce their employees to the office.  With a workplace refresh, clear partitions can be added to these cubicles that offer protective barriers but encourage socialization. Two people can comfortably discuss a project and gauge reactions through the clear partition.

workplace refresh cubicles

Each of these solutions can be tailored to the business’ needs and goals.  Short term solutions can be provided or long-term solutions.  A business does not need to engage a contractor to completely rebuild their office.  That would require permits, blueprints, plans, approvals, and who has really seen their contractor in an expedited time frame? Instead, businesses can engage a team skilled in building temporary structures in a matter of days. If we can build over 30 exhibits in a weekend, we can have your work environment up and running in no time.  Give us a call today to find out what we can do for your business.

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