Taking T-shirts & Toys to Tijuana- Our Holiday Charitable Drive

Taking T-shirts & Toys to Tijuana Charitable Drive

The holidays are upon us.  This is a great time of extending love and compassion to unknown people.  Charity is not reserved only for emergencies. When we give to others, we send an important message about our beliefs concerning the spirit of giving.  This is a wonderful time of the year to instill in our children the exemplary lesson of philanthropy and caring for others.

In the spirit of giving Absolute Exhibits has led some extremely successful charitable drives.  In no small part this has been a collaborative effort with our clients, our vendors, and many local businesses.  This year is no different – in the past decade we have sent:  a semi-tractor/trailer filled with toys to New York City; 8,000 pairs of socks to Puerto Rico; built children’s beds and added mattresses, bed coverings, toys and pack backs to Houston;  sent water, clothes and supplies to Haiti and Ecuador.

This year we are focused on Taking T-shirts & Toys to Tijuana – delivering them the week before Christmas on December 15th with GIFT Charitable Organization.

T-shirts to Tijuana charitable giving

Taking T-Shirts & Toys to Tijuana

Absolute Exhibits has selected an area 30 minutes outside of Tijuana, called Cartonlandia, which is little more than a shanty town near the San Ysidro border where impoverished families live in the shadow of gated town home communities.  They lack the basic resources we take for granted such as running water, electricity, sanitation, clothing, and toys for the children to play with.

Taking T-Shirts & Toys to Tijuana charity drive

For this reason we would like to bring the families of Cartonlandia happiness and hope by partnering with GIFT Charitable Organization to brighten these families’ lives this holiday season with T-shirts and toys.  Absolute Exhibits employees have been volunteering and donating to GIFT Charitable Organization and will again work with them to spread the happiness this holiday season.

How to Donate to Taking T-shirts & Toys to Tijuana

In our experience countless exhibiting companies print hundreds of T-shirts for a tradeshow, many with distinctive yearly messages, then return from a show and place that box on a back shelf.  If your company fits that bill, please consider packing up as many as you feel feasible and we will send you a UPS label to ship them to our collection point office.  There can never be too many – any excess will be dispersed to other local communities and churches outside Cartolandia, our targeted community.

To donate toys, we can accept unwrapped newly purchased or gently used toys, including items for newborns and young teens.  This is a poverty level community and anything you can send will be met with an abundance of happiness.  Again – we will send the UPS shipping label or if you are local to one of our offices in Las Vegas, Orlando, or Tustin, CA please drop them by. Ideally, we’d like to collect all donations by December 14th.

You can also donate online at the GIFT Charitable Organization website and receive a tax deductible receipt for your donation at the following link: https://giftorg.us/volunteer-%2F-events

Children of Tijuana

About GIFT Charitable Organization

GIFT is a 501 c 3 Charitable Organization dedicated to helping at-risk children and their families across the globe. GIFT’s mission is to protect children from any risk of physical and emotional abuse, psychosocial distress, sexual harm, exploitation and neglect.   GIFT gives children a healthy start in life by creating educational programs, access to health care, employment and advocacy opportunities through community engagement. For the past two years, they have been present in Cartonlandia, working through school sponsorship of children, educational initiatives, medical funds for children with cancer, and environmental initiatives to help improve these people’s lives.  For this reason, Absolute Exhibits has selected them as our partner on the ground in Cartonlandia.

Absolute Exhibits and GIFT Charitable Organization

Together we can bring hope and happiness to the families of Cartonlandia, spreading holiday joy.

To find out more about what GIFT and members of Absolute Exhibits does in Cartonlandia, Tijuana and in Los Angeles, please view the video below.


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