Tips to Design a Trade Show Display that is High Tech on a Budget

Koupon Media Client Spotlight trade show exhibit

In a perfect world, every events or marketing team would have the kind of money that large brands like Kodak, Polaroid, Microsoft, and more have to invest in their trade show display.  However, not every business has that kind of luxury.  The majority of businesses have budgetary constraints, stakeholders to answer to and grand ideas for a high-tech trade show display.  The good news is that you can achieve a high-tech look and feel without breaking the bank. Try these tips and your trade show display can look high tech without a high price tag:

Use a Clean and Simple Trade Show Display Design to Showcase the Tech

One of the best ways to keep the focus on high tech elements is to keep your trade show display design clean and simple.  One of our clients, Koupon Media, chose elegant bridges with down lighting, a touch screen kiosk and monitors showcasing their software to stand out at a crowded show.  This worked out really well and allowed their event manager to stay on budget and achieve a high-tech look with their trade show display.  As a result, they were very happy with the look, the immense traffic through their trade show display, and their ROI overall.

Koupon Media Client Spotlight trade show exhibit

Make Use of Open Space in Your Trade Show Display

One of the best ways to not only encourage more traffic into your trade show display but to keep the focus on the technology is to make use of the open spaces.  A cluttered trade show display will work against you if you’re seeking to come across as high-tech.  The technology will get lost among the various other elements you may have crammed in your booth.  Open space is as essential to your trade show display design as is your technology.

branded trade show booth

Introduce Levels to Your Trade Show Display

Levels make an exhibit interesting without taking up too much space or making it too busy or complicated.  This could be as easy as having a tall structure and hanging sign above and some comfortable seating below with your focus on technology such as kiosks offering your product demonstration.  Another great way to introduce levels is with some interesting lighting and signage that can draw visitors’ eyes to the exhibit.  If you use interesting lighting, it also conveys a message that your company is high-tech in addition to using items like kiosks.

technological trade show display

Keep Your Colors and Messaging Simple

It can be tempting to throw in a variety of graphics depicting every element of your product or service but it’s much easier to stick with solid colors in your display and print limited graphics to convey your messaging.  This keeps the focus on the technology in your display and not on the busy images, tag lines, or multiple messages.

As technology advances, we all want to appear to be technically savvy.  It’s human nature to want to keep up with the trends and to appear to be ahead of the curve.  If you use these ideas, you can find ways to keep the budget down while showcasing your high-tech image.

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