When is the Time for a Trade Show Booth Rental?

trade show display

Trade show booths age after a while.  The industry standard usually dictates that 3 to 5 years is the life of a purchased trade show booth.  Usually, things start chipping, graphics fade, and messaging gets old.  Or, you might’ve rebranded and suddenly that shiny new trade show booth you purchased a month ago is useless.  There’s signs that you’re ready for a trade show booth rental if you pay close attention.  Consider these indicators:

Your Trade Show Booth is Long in the Tooth

Admit it, at every trade show, you think to yourself oh that trade show booth does not look good.  The signs of wear and tear are obvious to everyone except the company exhibiting.  It’s time for a trade show booth rental, but they don’t know it.  They spent around $100,000 about 5 years ago and are going to ride that booth into the ground.  Instead of purchasing a trade show booth, they could instead spend a fraction with a trade show booth rental with installation and dismantling included. Take a good long hard look at your purchased booth and determine if you would really think this was impressive to anyone anymore.  If you can see the paint chips, the faded graphics, and things don’t quite go together the same way anymore, it’s time for an upgrade to a trade show booth rental.

Storage and Transportation Fees are Higher than a Trade Show Booth Rental

Open up the books and do a cost analysis.  Are you paying more for storage and transportation of an outdated booth than a new trade show booth rental?  If the math doesn’t line up, it’s definitely time for you to start designing a trade show booth rental program.  Many businesses aren’t aware that they are paying more to house their outdated booth than to rent a new one every year with installation and dismantling, shipping, and storage included.  It may be time to reevaluate the current situation.

save money on your trade show booth rental

You Exhibit at Multiple Trade Shows with Multiple Booth Sizes

Not every company who exhibits at multiple trade shows chooses a 20×20 or 30×30 every show.  In fact, depending on the show, some downgrade to a 20×10 and need a solution that will help them at every show.  This is why a trade show booth rental program is so important. When you decide to opt for a trade show booth rental, you’re able to adjust depending upon the show so you aren’t stuck paying extra money to accommodate a large booth at a show that might be smaller and less worth your time.

trade show display

trade show display lighting

Messaging No Longer Makes Sense

If you’ve rebranded, updated your value proposition, or have changed your messaging to a new tact, your old purchased booth isn’t going to cut it.  You’d be better off establishing a trade show booth rental program to keep pace with changes you might continue to make. Nobody wants to present old messaging if the company is changing its branding and positioning.  This is why a trade show booth rental makes so much sense.  You’re better able to adapt with changes, styles, themes, and more.

Purchasing your trade show booth seems like a good idea for some companies who will use it for 3 years, make a big splash, and then move on.  But to many other businesses, a trade show booth rental makes more sense.  If you’re looking for some advice and want to see what you can do, contact our experts and we can give you a quote.

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